This was such a fun project. My son and I gathered pine cones, tied a string around the top to use to hang the feeder, spread peanut butter over the cone{Note: If you or your child have peanut allergies don't give up ... simply substitute Sun Butter (made from sunflower seeds and completely nut free) for your peanut butter}, then roll in bird seed. This was a simple project that has brought us a lot of joy and learning. We watch our feeders to see what kind of visitors we will have that day, then discuss them. We have seen all kinds of birds and even squirrels eating from our feeders.
What you need:
Pine Cones (preferably found in nature)
Peanut Butter or Sun Butter
Bird Seed
*Tip: Use a spoon to apply the peanut butter / sun butter and coat each piece of the cone rather than stuffing the empty spaces w/ lots of peanut butter / sun butter. I've have tried both ways; and, if you goop it on the peanut butter / sun butter will be very messy and fall out in goops.
*Make sure you hang your feeder next to a branch or something the birds can stand on to eat from the feeder.
Here the birds can sit on the hummingbird feeder to eat off of the Pine Cone Bird Feeder.
Look at that Beautiful Tail!
I think this little squirrel came back and stole the feeder! Note: Tie the string tight around the pine cone then tie around the railing. My string wasn't long enough; so, I just tied a new string around the railing and cut the other string off.
Oh well, we will just have to make another one. Good thing we have tons of pine cones!
We just did this the other day and we were able to get some great pictures. It was so much fun to see my son get so excited when he saw his first squirrel. We don't get them much out there so it was a good experience for him. I'll have to do this again when my daughter gets older, so she could appreciate it.